Donate to Right to Hope Research

In 2019, Sonia and Roy went through one of the most heartbreaking experiences imaginable. Their twin sons, Thunder and Cloud, died. They were born prematurely, and despite the fact that many children of the same gestational age have survived, they were told that their twin babies would not get any life-saving treatment. For more information about their story, go here. 

We know that even if Thunder and Cloud received the necessary treatment, our medical technology couldn’t guarantee survival. The odds against it would still have been grim.   

But parents in that situation have a right to hope. 

The medical care could have given their children a fighting chance. 

We are currently investigating what went wrong in the process so we can propose policy changes that will respect future parents’ right to hope. However, hiring someone to do that research will cost money: $6000 to be precise. Can you chip in to help identify and stop these failures of our system? 


Please note that The Wilberforce Project is a registered non-profit and does not have charitable status due to its political activism.  Businesses that donate can receive an advertising receipt upon request.

$200.00 raised
GOAL: $6,000.00