There are no restrictions on abortion in Alberta.
A child is only considered a person after they have fully exited the birth canal, and it is legal to perform an abortion at any stage of pregnancy, or even during labour, as long as part of the child is still within the mother.
Because there are no restrictions on abortion, this means that minor girls can receive an abortion without any parental consent or even parental notification, leaving them with a lack of protection, support, and information.
The Wilberforce Project is committed to ending this atrocity. Pre-born children should be protected by basic human rights, and girls should have more information, more support, and more protection during difficult seasons of their lives.
We believe that seeing human rights for the whole human race reflected in Alberta's laws and regulations is a two-fold endeavour: government officials who are sympathetic to the pro-life cause must be elected, and pro-life citizens must elect them.
This can only be done with your help. Every dollar given will be used to create laws and regulations that will stand to protect the humanity, the dignity, and the worth of every life.
Will you give today to protect the life of a precious child?
Join us to see human rights for the whole human race.